UpEnergy Group is excited to announce the launch of Community Carbon.

Consisting of seven energy-saving projects, the new initiative will commence with the delivery of 3.5 million cleaner cookstoves and water purification devices to communities across five African countries. The new initiative expects to deliver 50 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions reductions over the next 15 years.

The projects are made possible thanks to a stream investment from Carbon Streaming Corporation and will further grow our impact on the ground in the coming years. As well as expected easing on land and forests, the projects will continue to deliver direct benefits by creating jobs through local stove manufacturing and distribution activities, plus the creation of household savings from reduced fuel expenditure. Additionally, Community Carbon will take the extra step of reinvesting revenue back into climate resilience programs unrelated to the project.

If you’re interested in finding out more, you can read the full press release below, sign up for updates at www.communityco2.org or contact: partnerships@communityco2.org


UpEnergy Group announces partnership with myclimate to deploy cleaner cookstoves in Malawi and create more than 5 million carbon credits through direct emissions reductions